Low Carbon Transition Rating
E.1.8 Renewable Energy Programmes


What is a Programme Indicator?
Programme indicators are designed to evaluate a company’s operational systems for managing its material ESG risks. These indicators are aligned with and/or informed by recognized management systems, such as the ISO 9001 quality standard or the ISO 14001 environmental management standard.
- Executive accountability
- Risk/impact assessment
- Training or other initiatives to ensure compliance with policies
- Objectives/targets
- Monitoring, measurement, reporting
- Incident investigation and corrective action.
Assessment Criteria
- We consider renewable energy sources including solar, wind, hydropower, ocean and geothermal.
- Source: The International Renewable Energy Agency
- We consider bioenergy only when generated from operational by-products.
- A by-product is a secondary product that was created by a manufacturing or a production process (e.g. sawdust at a sawmill, manure from a feedlot operation).
The assessment criteria are informed by the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Mitigation Hierarchy (source: prepona.info) listed here in order of priority:
- Reduce emissions through energy efficiency and conservation.
- Switch to renewable energy.
- Offset GHG emissions.
There are several mechanisms in which companies can utilize renewable energy.
The assessment gives particular importance to whether the company has set quantitative targets at the group level with clear timelines to achieve them. We also assess quantitative targets at the group level with a clear deadline for reaching these targets.
Offsets include:
- Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)
- Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)
- Renewables Obligation Certificates (ROCs)
Criteria Defined
Program Scope - Most Weight |
Formal Renewable Energy Programme – Majority of Operations |
Formal Renewable Energy Program – Minority of Operations |
Formal Target with Deadline |
Initiatives to Increase Renewable Energy |
Type of Renewable Energy Use - Less Weight |
Best in Class |
Quite Good |
Adequate (Less Good) |
100 | The company has a strong programme. |
75 | The company has an adequate programme. |
50 | The company has an adequate programme but utilises renewable energy. |
10 | The company doesn't have a formal programme but utilises renewables. |
0 | Based on available evidence, the company does not have programmes or targets. |