Information Center for Issuers


Submit Comments on LCTR Research Indicators

Write and save each comment. Submit all saved comments in one batch.

Sign into the Issuer Gateway.

Issuer Gateway Login Page

Issuer Gateway Landing Page

On the homepage, select Research tab.

See Low Carbon Transition Rating and select each category - Exposure, Management, Value Chain Analysis - to find indicators under each Scope.


Issuer Gateway LCTR Research Page


Select any indicator to add a comment (see button).

To verify the data, focus on highlighting any facts that you consider to be incorrect and provide supporting details.

Use the document upload functionality to submit any supporting evidence.

Remember to save the comment before proceeding. 


Issuer Gateway LCTR Add Comment Button


Select Documents to upload.

Issuer Gateway Document Upload

Save each comment and proceed to next indicator.

Important, "saving" a comment does not "submit" the comment. After saving each comment, submit all comments together using the Communications Log. See details below. 



Issuer Gateway LCTR Save Comment Button


Issuer Gateway Indicator List



Go to the Communications Log to review and submit comments.

Find the Communications Log within the Support tab at the top right of your screen. The Communications Log allows you to review all your inputs. You can also edit or delete any of your comments. Submit when ready. 


Issuer Gateway Communications Log

Sustainalytics' response

Sustainalytics will review your comments in one batch and provide a consolidated response using the Issuer Gateway’s Communications Log. You will receive an email notification. 

To ask a question or request additional information, contact: [email protected]