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Addressing Key Corporate ESG Issues - Lessons From Industries With High ESG Risk

This webinar looks at ESG issues through the lens of five high-risk industries providing insights on how to manage these issues effectively.

ESG Benchmarking: Helping Asia Pacific companies excel their sustainability performance

Hear from a panel of ESG thought leaders, sharing their insights on how Sustainalytics ESG Benchmarking Solutions supported them understanding its ESG position among industry peers, identifying gaps and communicating sustainability accomplishments to key stakeholders.

High-Impact ESG Issues: What Your Company Needs to Know

High-Impact ESG Issues: What Your Company Needs to Know

All companies are affected by material ESG issues. Poor management of these issues can negatively impact a company’s operations, employee retention, community relations, and ultimately its share price. Learn which ESG issues cut across industries and how companies can address the most impactful MEIs affecting them.

•	Financing the Future: An Interview on High ESG Risk Industries and Opportunities for Banks

Financing the Future: An Interview on High ESG Risk Industries and Opportunities for Banks

Companies in industrial conglomerates, steel, diversified metals, precious metals, and oil and gas producers can make take meaningful steps to reduce their material environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risk – and the negative impacts that go along with those risks. But they need guidance and access to finance. Read on to learn how banks are working with clients in these high-risk industries to set and meet targets for material improvements on ESG risk factors.

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The Sustainalytics Podcast | Setting Up Your Corporate ESG Program for Success and Avoiding Early Obstacles

We discuss setting up your corporate ESG program for success and avoiding early ESG obstacles in this interview with Sustainalytics Corporate Solutions Director, Shilpi Singh. You’ll discover the importance of four ESG focus areas: leadership buy-in, planning and resourcing, ESG strategy, and reporting and communication.

Understanding Materiality: Lessons From Industries With High ESG Risk - scatter graph

Understanding Materiality: Lessons From Industries With High ESG Risk

Discover the five industries facing the highest ESG risk, the issues impacting the risk profiles of companies in those industries, and how all companies can best manage these issues.

Download our infographic, Start Your ESG Program: 4 Strategic Steps on the Journey to ESG Performance

Infographic | Start Your ESG Program: 4 Strategic Steps on the Journey to ESG Performance

In this infographic, we outline essential action-oriented steps to get you started on your ESG journey, including obtaining high-level executive buy-in, resourcing your efforts, strategic planning, and reporting the results of your program.

View our ESG Beginner's Checklist: Action Items on Overcoming Common Obstacles

ESG Beginner's Checklist: Action Items on Overcoming Common Obstacles

Discover some of the obstacles ESG leaders face in the early stages of their journey toward sustainability — and what you can about them—in this checklist. Is your company dealing with limited human resources, overwhelming ESG information, inconsistent communication with stakeholders, understanding the competitive landscape, or funding your ESG program?

Frequently Asked Questions on What ESG Means for Companies

Frequently Asked Questions on What ESG Means for Companies

In this FAQ, we’ve answered several key questions to help companies like yours understand what ESG means for you in practice.

What is ESG and Why Is it Important for Risk Management?

What is ESG and Why It's Important for Risk Management

This blog post explains what is ESG, including basic ESG concepts, ESG scores and ratings, and why companies of all sizes need ESG risk management.

Shanghai skyline | China's Burgeoning Green Bond Market

China’s Burgeoning Green Bond Market: Developments, Characteristics, and Outlook

Insights on China's growing green bond market, including recent developments, key characteristics, and expectations for the world's second largest market.

Download The Sustainable Supply Chain Checklist: 5 Essential ESG Action Areas for 2022

The Sustainable Supply Chain Checklist: Essential ESG Action Items for 2022

Businesses are looking closer look at their supply chains than ever. View our checklist to learn essential ESG action steps to put your company’s supply chain on the path to sustainability.

eBook | Getting Started With ESG | Sustainalytics

Getting Started With ESG: What Every Company Needs to Know

This ebook outlines the key steps for every company starting out with ESG, including getting buy-in, understanding your situation, developing a strategy, and more.

Checklist: 5 Steps to Jumpstart Your Journey to a Nature-Positive Business

Learn the five key steps companies can take to better address their biodiversity impacts and start building a more nature-positive business.

Financing the Future: Conversations on Sustainable Finance

Financing the Future: An Interview on How Banks are Embarking on Their ESG Journeys

Financing the Future: Conversations in Sustainable Finance is a Q&A series where we sit down with featured ESG experts from Sustainalytics, sharing their insights on how businesses are using finance to meet the challenges of our transition to a sustainable future.

Maximum Impact: How Bond Impact Reporting Can Improve Corporate Decision Making

When companies measure and report the environmental and social impacts of their operations, they can demonstrate to investors large and small that their green and social bonds are reliable investments for maximum impact. Then investors can optimize their portfolios for impact as they do for risk and reward and companies can optimize their efforts to improve.

Download our infographic: Six Major Supply Chain Risk Factors and Their Impact on You

Infographic | Six Major Supply Chain Risk Factors for 2022 and Their Impact on You

This infographic shows the impacts of strong or weak supply chain practices and breaks down six crucial factors for identifying strong and weak sustainability traits in any organization.

Read our most-popular content for corporations in 2021

Our Most Read Content on Corporate ESG in 2021

Find out what businesses are reading with our round-up of Sustainalytics' most popular content in 2021! Clearly, sustainable finance is a hot topic, as well as social impact reporting as businesses work to transition to more sustainable practices.

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Infographic | Why Protecting Biodiversity is at the Root of Good Business

In this infographic discover why companies are focusing on how biodiversity loss impacts their businesses and four ways they can address those risks.

What You Don’t Know, Can Hurt You: Getting to the Bottom of Supply Chain Risk

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: Getting to the Bottom of Supply Chain Risk

To address supply chain risk, business leaders must consider an increasingly broad range of factors in procurement, including environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts. Investors, customers, and regulators are applying substantial pressure on companies to reduce risks like labor disruptions, workforce health and safety incidents, human rights issues, and shortages of natural resources.