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Peer Performance Insights

Compare your ESG performance to industry peers


Taking clear steps to improve your company’s ESG performance is no longer just a public relations exercise. Quite often, investors and stakeholders demand to see a clear plan to improve a company’s ESG Risk Rating, as ESG success has been linked to a business’s overall, long-term success.

But how does your company begin to assess its Material ESG Issues (MEIs)? Sustainalytics’ Peer Performance Insights is a good way to start. This suite of products provides information about your company’s ESG Risk Rating and its components compared to a select number of industry peers.

The different products that comprise the Peer Performance Insights suite leverage ESG Risk Ratings to offer analysis at varying degrees of depth, from high-level industry and peer comparisons, to detailed industry trends, management scores, and controversies, amongst others.

Compare your ESG performance to selected peers to support your ESG strategy.

Product Suite Versions

Sustainalytics’ Peer Performance Insights products measure your ESG performance against industry peers to help inform future ESG decisions and drive internal process improvements. 

With a universe of more than 14,000 companies and tailored frameworks developed to over 40 industries, Sustainalytics leverages its extensive research database to compare companies’ performance to peers and industry scores.







competitive landscape - basic

Competitive Landscape 

High-level comparison of overall ESG Risk Rating performance against peers across three dimensions (universe, industry, and sub-industry) on the self-serve Sustainalytics Issuer Gateway portal.

  • Access to Sustainalytics Issuer Gateway
  • Rate performance using overall ESG Risk Rating
  • Compare industry and peer scores (high-level)
  • Free of charge

Competitive Insights

An extension of the Competitive Landscape analysis, with added layers of benchmarking detail, including Exposure and Management Score Comparison, Material Issue Level comparison and ability to download peer ESG Risk Rating Reports.

  • Compare industry and peer Material ESG Issues
  • Compare exposure and management scores
  • Downloadable peer ESG Risk Rating reports
  • Includes peer analysis report
  • Available in Sustainalytics’ Issuer Gateway

ESG Comparison Tool

Quickly compare yourself to three of your industry peers and get an initial indication of where your gaps might be compared to your competitors.


Why Sustainalytics?


A Single Market Standard

Consistent approach to ESG assessments across the investment spectrum.


Award-Winning Research and Data

Firm recognized as Best ESG Research and Data Provider by Environmental Finance and Investment Week.


End-to-End ESG Solutions

ESG products and services that serve the entire investment value chain.


30 Years of ESG Expertise

800+ ESG research analysts across our global offices.


A Leading SPO Provider

As recognized by Environmental Finance and the Climate Bonds Initiative.

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