Sustainalytics’ Research Report Assesses Material ESG Risks Facing Investors
Report profiles 10 companies with low levels of unmanaged ESG risk
Toronto, February 5, 2019 – Sustainalytics, a global leader in ESG and corporate governance research, ratings and analytics, today released a new thematic research report titled, 10 for 2019: Systemic Risks Loom Large. The report offers a forward-looking view of 10 significant ESG issues that could affect global investment portfolios in 2019 and profiles 10 firms with low levels of unmanaged ESG risk. The ESG issues fall under four broad themes:
- The Human Side of Commodities – Sustainalytics’ research focuses on mounting occupational health and safety concerns in the gold mining industry and the problem of slave labour in Asian seafood supply chains. The firm’s assessment of eight food retailers finds that UK-based J Sainsbury has taken proactive measures to acknowledge and address slavery in the seafood industry.
- Front Lines of the Transition Economy – The stories under this theme explore energy transition risk in the oil & gas industry, the shift to wind power among electric utilities, the growing scrutiny facing hydroelectric dam projects and risks from climate-change driven catastrophes for property and casualty insurers. Sustainalytics’ research notes that Australia-based Suncorp Group demonstrates leadership in identifying and assessing risks and opportunities linked to climate change and carbon transition issues.
- High Stakes in the Digital World – Sustainalytics’ analysis looks at the implications of low levels of gender diversity among internet software and services firms, and profiles United Stated-based eBay for its proactive stance on gender pay equity and lack of harassment controversies. The report also covers why technology companies are reframing data privacy as a competitive advantage.
- Chemistry of the Future – The broad pivot to sustainability among specialty chemicals producers is creating opportunities in the green coatings segment, while human capital management is becoming an increasingly important success factor in the pharmaceuticals industry. Switzerland-based Roche Holding AG is featured for implementing leading management initiatives across a broad spectrum of human capital issues.
“The articles in our 10 for 2019 report illustrate how material ESG issues can manifest in unique ways in different markets,” said Sustainalytics’ Director of Thematic Research, Doug Morrow. “While we seek to draw attention to the risks posed by ESG factors, we offer balance by thoughtfully sketching upside opportunities and profiling companies with low levels of unmanaged ESG risk.”
Sustainalytics will present the findings from the report during three regional webinars on Thursday, February 14, 2019. To register for the webinar and access the report, click here.
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