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ESG Regulatory Hub

Insights around global ESG regulatory initiatives, directives and frameworks for investors

ESG regulatory initiatives, policies, frameworks and directives have been increasing year over year for the last century, with a steep increase from 2010 – present time.  According to a PRI review of global ESG regulations, there were over 300 regulations from 2019-2022.

Cumulative Number of Policy Interventions

Source: PRI Responsible Investment Regulation Database. The regulation database is only as of 31 April 2022.

The rise in these regulations and policies has prompted investors to grasp an understanding of the new regulatory initiatives, as requirements are implemented through various business and investment processes. Sustainable finance regulations in general, were created in response to investor protection and transparency due to increased demand in sustainable investment products, in addition to supporting national policies on climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals and addressing Greenwashing. 

Even though, investors understand and have accepted the importance of ESG regulation, the rapid developments, changing policies and regional nuances has presented challenges.

Learn about the latest in ESG regulatory developments with a comprehensive view of global initiatives, directives and frameworks curated for investors at the forefront of sustainability compliance.   

Explore the Regulatory Landscape
Navigate seamlessly from the latest sustainable finance regulations to pivotal ESG mandates in your region. From the latest climate risk disclosure requirements to key ESG mandates worldwide.
Last Update: October, 2024
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Showing all Regulation(s)

Amended Supervisory Guidelines for ESG Investment Trusts

For Fund Managers
In Application
ESG Disclosures Climate Disclosures

Article 29 of the Energy-Climate Law on non-financial reporting by market players

For Asset Managers
In Application
ESG Disclosures Climate Disclosures Biodiversity Disclosures


For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
ESG Disclosures Climate Disclosures

Australian Modern Slavery Act

For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
In Application
Due Diligence Human Rights

California SB 253 and 261

For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
2026 and 2027 (Scope 3 GHG)
Climate Disclosures

Circular to licensed corporations. Management and disclosure of climate-related risks by fund managers

For Asset Managers
In Application
Climate Risk Management

Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
Phasing in (2025-2029)
ESG Disclosures

CRR and CRD (EBA Pillar III disclosure and CRD6)

For Banks
In application (EBA Pillar III), 11 January 2026 (CRD6)
ESG Disclosures Climate Disclosures


For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
ESG Disclosures Climate Disclosures

Devoir de vigilance

For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
In Application
Due Diligence Human Rights Environmental Impact

Doctrine AMF 2020-03

For Fund Managers
In Application
ESG Disclosures ESG Naming Rules

ESMA guidelines for funds names

For Fund Managers
21 November 2024 (new funds), 21 May 2025 (existing funds)
Min. Portfolio ESG standards

EU Benchmark Regulation

For Index Providers, Benchmark Administrators
In Application
ESG Disclosures

EU Taxonomy

For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
In Application
ESG Disclosures Climate Disclosures

Guidance 05/2021

For Fund Managers
In Application
ESG Disclosures ESG Naming Rules

Guideline B-15

For Insurers, Banks
In Application
Climate Disclosures

Guidelines environmental risk management

For Banks, Insurers, Asset Managers
In Application
Environmental Risk Management

Hong Kong ISSB

For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
Phasing in (starting in 2025)
ESG Disclosures Climate Disclosures

ISSB standards

For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
Dates determined by local jurisdictions
ESG Disclosures Climate Disclosures

Issuer ESG reporting + ISSB

For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
FY 2025 (listed) and 2027 (non listed)
ESG Disclosures Climate Disclosures


For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
In application (TCFD)/2026 (ISSB)
ESG Disclosures Climate Disclosures

MiFID II/IDD/European ESG Template. Sustainability Preferences

For Asset Managers, Asset Owners, Advisors
In Application
ESG Disclosures

Ordinance on Climate Disclosures

For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
In Application
Climate Disclosures

Regulation 235/14

For Pension Funds
In Application
ESG Disclosures ESG Integration

Retail funds with ESG investment focus

For Fund Managers
In Application
ESG Naming Rules ESG Disclosures

Revised Circular on ESG and Climate Funds

For Fund Managers
In Application
ESG Naming Rules ESG Disclosures


For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
In Application
Climate Disclosures ESG Disclosures

SEBI ESG funds

For Asset Managers
In Application
ESG Labels ESG Disclosures ESG Naming Rules

SEC Climate Risk Disclosure

For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
Climate Disclosures

SEC Name Rule

For Investment Funds
In Application
ESG Naming Rules

Solvency II

For Insurers
In Application
ESG Risk Management ESG Integration

Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
In Application
Due Diligence Human Rights

Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR)

For Listed Issuers and UK Domicilied Funds, Asset Managers
Phasing in: all application except naming rules (2 April 2025), and entity/product disclosures (2 December 2025/2026)
ESG Disclosures ESG Naming Rules ESG Labels

Sustainability reporting guidelines

For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
In Application
ESG Disclosures Climate Disclosures

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation

For Asset Managers, Asset Owners, Advisors
In Application
ESG Disclosures ESG Labels

TCFD disclosures

For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
In Application
Climate Disclosures

The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)

For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
Phasing in (July 2027-July 2029)
Due Diligence Human Rights Environmental Impact Climate Transition


For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
In Application
Biodiversity Disclosures


For Investment Firms, Asset Managers
In Application
ESG Integration ESG Risk Management

UK Modern Slavery Act

For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
In Application
Due Diligence Human Rights


For Financial and Non-Financial Companies
ESG Disclosures Climate Disclosures
Follow Our Insights on the Evolving Landscape of Sustainability Compliance

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Global Greenwashing Regulations: How the World Is Cracking Down on Misleading Sustainability Claims

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Check boxes and pencil on a yellow background

Driving ESG Transparency: Exploring the Role of Taxo4 in the EU Taxonomy

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Sustainable Investments: The Asset Manager’s Handbook for EU Interpretation and Implementation

Sustainable Investments: The Asset Manager’s Handbook for EU Interpretation and Implementation

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Filling in the Data Gaps: The Current State of Reporting on Principal Adverse Impacts Disclosures for the SFDR

In this blog we take a closer look at trends in data availability and reporting across mandatory and voluntary PAIs, and how investors can address their data gaps.

EU Flag waving against the background of a blue sky

The EU Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth: Twelve Essential Questions Answered for Investors

Learn what the EU Action Plan is, its objectives, and the importance of taking immediate action to comply with its various regulations including the EU Taxonomy Regulation, Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, and the EU Benchmarks Regulation.

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EU Action Plan Solutions Suite
Navigate the EU Regulatory Requirements with Confidence

Morningstar Sustainalytics provides a robust suite of solutions to help you meet regulatory requirements, streamline compliance with advanced reporting tools, and integrate data within workflows for consistent reporting.

Solutions for Adhering to Sustainable Finance Regulations 

Morningstar Sustainalytics offers comprehensive solutions to help investors integrate ESG data into their investment process, with extensive coverage and support for regulatory compliance.