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Company ESG Risk Ratings

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ESG Risk Rating
What are the ESG Risk Ratings?
More information for Corporates | Banks and Lenders | Investors
How do the ESG Risk Ratings work?
What are Material ESG Issues?

Material ESG issues are issues that are considered to be financially material to a given company in a relevant sub-industry.

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Learn how the ESG Risk Ratings are used by our clients


Leverage Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Ratings to understand and promote your corporate ESG performance with internal and external stakeholders.

Banks and Lenders

Banks and lenders can use our ESG Risk Ratings and data as a part of a broader analysis of their clients as well as for innovative product solutions such as sustainability linked loans.


The ESG Risk Ratings can help investors to identify, understand and manage ESG risks at the security and portfolio level with the aim of improving the long-term performance of their equity and fixed income securities.