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blockchain report

An ESG Lens on Blockchain and Public Equities - Thematic Research Report

The investment risks and opportunities associated with blockchain go beyond the volatile cryptocurrency market, with applications ranging from enhanced payment platforms and contract execution to supply chain management and carbon tracking systems.

Listen to the latest episode of the Sustainalytics Podcast | Aligning Executive Action to Strategy With Sustainability-Linked Compensation

What's Happening in Sustainable Finance: ESG Market Continues Rapid Growth, Climate Risks Top WEF List, and More

We’re seeing rapid growth and diversification in the ESG market, with companies increasingly using sustainable bonds, loans, and deposits to finance emissions reductions, renewable energy, waste and water management, transition plans, and more.

Water-Related Risks and Challenges

Water-Related Risks and Challenges

This report sheds light on the growing effects of water scarcity on companies and countries. To address these challenges, investors can use water reporting metrics to identify companies and countries with severe water risk. We further relate water metrics to firm and country characteristics and highlight substantial cross-sectional differences.

View our ESG Beginner's Checklist: Action Items on Overcoming Common Obstacles

ESG Beginner's Checklist: Action Items on Overcoming Common Obstacles

Discover some of the obstacles ESG leaders face in the early stages of their journey toward sustainability — and what you can about them—in this checklist. Is your company dealing with limited human resources, overwhelming ESG information, inconsistent communication with stakeholders, understanding the competitive landscape, or funding your ESG program?

Key Themes Shaping Proxy Voting in 2022

Key Themes Shaping Proxy Voting in 2022

As the volume and breadth of ESG risk exposure continue to rise, the stage is set for another momentous proxy season. The trending topics of last year will continue to steer the agenda—with the prospect of even more substantial support from shareholders in 2022.


Michael Jantzi on Global Sustainability Standards: Convergence and the Future | ICGN

Michael Jantzi, managing director at Morningstar and Sustainalytics founder, shares his perspective on the state of convergence on sustainability reporting standards globally.

Frequently Asked Questions on What ESG Means for Companies

Frequently Asked Questions on What ESG Means for Companies

In this FAQ, we’ve answered several key questions to help companies like yours understand what ESG means for you in practice.

cocoa farming

The Sustainability Conundrum of Living Income in Agriculture

Living Income is a crucial consideration among leading companies across some sectors and their supplier companies throughout the agricultural and food supply chain. Companies that manage ESG risk in their supply chains, making targeted investments to improve their resilience, are better positioned to build investor confidence.

Women seated around a boardroom table - A Call For Progress on DEI

Answering the Call for Progress: How Companies Can Respond to Investor Demands on DEI

In this blog post we share what companies can do to communicate their progress on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to investors and other key stakeholders, particularly with respect to gender diversity and advancing women’s socio-economic status.

gender diversity japan international womens day

Gender Diversity of Corporate Leadership in Japan

Over the past decade, the world has made progress in reducing the gender gap in education, health, economic resources and political participation. Some countries, however, are still lagging—including Japan.

EU Taxonomy in Limbo - Reporting Alignment of Article 8 and 9 Funds in 2022

For observers of the EU’s Sustainable Finance Strategy, 2022 kicked off with a crack and a bang as the European Commission went ahead with plans to include natural gas and nuclear-related activities as potentially sustainable under their ‘Green Taxonomy’. However, in midst of this furor, seemingly less attention has been paid to other components of the regulation that have quietly taken effect from the 1st of January 2022, presenting their own set of challenges.

What is ESG and Why Is it Important for Risk Management?

What is ESG and Why It's Important for Risk Management

This blog post explains what is ESG, including basic ESG concepts, ESG scores and ratings, and why companies of all sizes need ESG risk management.

Shanghai skyline | China's Burgeoning Green Bond Market

China’s Burgeoning Green Bond Market: Developments, Characteristics, and Outlook

Insights on China's growing green bond market, including recent developments, key characteristics, and expectations for the world's second largest market.

Sustainalytics Podcast

What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: Evidence of a Social Bond Premium, the Elements of a Just Transition and More

Get an update on recent deals and transactions in the global sustainable finance market, notable reports, and thoughtful insights from Sustainalytics’ sustainable finance experts.

Download The Sustainable Supply Chain Checklist: 5 Essential ESG Action Areas for 2022

The Sustainable Supply Chain Checklist: Essential ESG Action Items for 2022

Businesses are looking closer look at their supply chains than ever. View our checklist to learn essential ESG action steps to put your company’s supply chain on the path to sustainability.

oil and gas ESG risk

The ESG Risks of National Oil Companies Taking Over Fossil Fuel Production from International Oil Majors

As growing pressure to cut GHG emissions is causing Western oil majors to sell their high-carbon assets, it is expected that National Oil Companies (NOCs) will pick up some of the production. For investors holding an interest in or considering investing in NOCs or sovereign debt, it is worth assessing how fossil fuel production shifts will impact their portfolio’s alignment with climate ambitions and ESG values.

eBook | Getting Started With ESG | Sustainalytics

Getting Started With ESG: What Every Company Needs to Know

This ebook outlines the key steps for every company starting out with ESG, including getting buy-in, understanding your situation, developing a strategy, and more.

Checklist: 5 Steps to Jumpstart Your Journey to a Nature-Positive Business

Learn the five key steps companies can take to better address their biodiversity impacts and start building a more nature-positive business.


How a Telecommunications and Software Company Laid the Foundation for Its ESG Performance

By understanding its ESG position among industry peers, Windstream set a benchmark for improving its ESG targets and communicating sustainability accomplishments to key stakeholders.

What Happens When Companies are Receptive to Investor Feedback on ESG?

When companies are receptive to investor feedback, there are clear real-world impacts and positive changes. Such engagement outcomes vary and are directly tied to the company and its company-specific exposure to material ESG issues.