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Listen to the latest episode of the Sustainalytics Podcast | Aligning Executive Action to Strategy With Sustainability-Linked Compensation

What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: Market Expectations Rise, Green Bonds Continue to Flourish, and Biodiversity Climbs Up the Agenda

Highlighting the growth of the global sustainable finance market during the first half of the year and the increasing attention on biodiversity among issuer and investors.

COP26 Video 3

COP26 Goal #4 - Work Together to Deliver

Why do ESG research and ratings matter to financial market participants? Ulziitushig (Toshi) Batbuyan, Associate, Oil & Gas Research, talks about how investors can leverage Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Ratings in various capacities.

Exploring the Role of ESG Factors in the Fixed Income Investing Process

While many mainstream investors with an equity focus are applying ESG considerations as a part of their investment decision-making processes, how are fixed-income investors looking at ESG factors to assess corporate credit risk, bond selection, and other related activities?

oil refinery GHG

The Impact and Cost of Air Pollution: U.S. Petroleum Refineries

Investors can examine to what extent petroleum refiners manage their Non-GHG Air Emissions and assess the quality of a company's programs to reduce air pollutants. For instance, examining all the petroleum refiners assessed by Sustainalytics, we observe that only 3% have a strong program to manage non-greenhouse gas emissions.

Green tinted stock market graph, sustainable finance

Simplifying Sustainable Finance – Explaining Green Bonds, Green Loans, Sustainability-Linked Loans and Bonds and More

Explaining the differences between some of the most common sustainable finance instruments, from green bonds and loans to ESG-linked instruments such as sustainability-linked loans.

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COP26 Goal #3 – Mobilize Finance

How can governments, companies and financial institutions help to mobilize finance to achieve global climate goals? Mayur Mukati of Sustainalytics’ Corporate Solutions unit discusses the role of sustainable finance in supporting a just and sustainable climate transition.

EU Action Plan SFDR

Momentum Around Principal Adverse Impact Data Remains Strong Despite SFDR Delays

Despite the shifting timelines, we observe that the market momentum around PAIs is not diminishing, quite the contrary. Investors in the scope of the regulation are using the fourth quarter of this year to get acquainted with PAI data and set up their systems. Most investors we speak with want to be prepared in time to be able to monitor PAIs throughout 2022 and adjust their portfolios to boost their PAIs (or rather limit the downside, as these are adverse impact indicators). This means that PAIs may significantly impact stock selection and portfolio construction by fund managers keen to have ‘good’ PAI scores.

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Quick Start Guide: Key Considerations for Sustainability-Linked Loans

To help explain sustainability-linked loans, Sustainalytics has developed a quick start guide highlighting key considerations when entering into an SLL agreement.

How Sustainable Finance is Shaping Change in Banking

How Sustainable Finance is Shaping Change in Banking

This ebook highlights key issues for banks, including strategies to embed ESG into lending and investment decisions, and important innovations in sustainable finance.

energy crisis

What ESG Risks Should Investors Consider During the Energy Crisis?

As world leaders prepare to meet in Glasgow for COP26 to discuss accelerating climate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement, an emerging energy crisis persists around the world.

SFDR EU taxonomy

SFDR and EU Taxonomy Product Disclosure Rules Finally Released

The publication of these rules marks the end of a prolonged period of uncertainty in the market around final rules and timelines - assuming the RTS will be adopted as-is in a Delegated Act, which turns these rules into regulation. There are several noteworthy aspects to these rules, which we address from our perspective in this article.

biodiversity species

Biodiversity: A Crisis Equaling, Possibly Exceeding, Climate Change

According to the UN’s Convention on Biological Diversity the main drivers of biodiversity loss are habitat loss and degradation, climate change, pollution, over-exploitation, and invasive species. Habitat loss is directly linked to the conversion of natural ecosystems to agricultural lands and unsustainable use of water resources.

Sustainability-Linked Loans - A Bridge to Connect Corporate Sustainability and Finance

Infographic | 5 Benefits of Sustainability-Linked Loans for Companies

This infographic outlines some of the benefits companies can experience by entering into a sustainability-linked loan with their lenders.

Sustainalytics Podcast

What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: The Nuance of ESG Ratings, the Impact of Climate Change on Sport, and “Code Red” for Humanity

Discussing diverse sustainability and green finance topics including the momentum behind sustainability-linked bonds, the latest IPCC report as well as recent sustainable finance deals and transactions.

European Court of Human Rights

Bringing Investors and Companies Together to Accelerate Human Rights Progress

Human rights issues have been rising on the responsible investment agenda in recent years. The COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement have provoked even more pointed discourse on the topic. The European Union’s current efforts to introduce rules to hold companies accountable for social and environmental risks in their supply chains further accelerate that ascent. This wave of legal requirements and normative expectations is impacting financial markets worldwide, with responsible business regulations already in place or quickly becoming valid.


Net-Zero Business Models Event

Watch the replay of our climate experts and business leaders for a multi-faceted discussion about the risks and opportunities associated with the transition to Net Zero. Our virtual conference brought together global thought leaders to share their insights on:

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Evaluating Asset Managers Commitment Level to Integrating ESG Considerations

Watch the replay of Sustainalytics’ Member-Hosted-Meeting from CII’s 2021 Fall Conference, where our esteemed panel explored

water ESG investing

Investing in Water for Positive Impact

With the threats of climate change and the existing inequalities in natural resource access and availability around the world, ensuring an adequate supply of clean water is necessary to ensure the well-being of all people across the world.

Checklist | 5 Essential Steps for Putting Social Impact Reporting into Practice | Sustainalytics

Checklist: 5 Essential Steps for Putting Social Impact Reporting Into Practice

This checklist breaks down five key steps and action items for putting social impact reporting into practice.

Sustainability-Linked Loans - A Bridge to Connect Corporate Sustainability and Finance

Sustainability-Linked Loans: A Bridge to Connect Corporate Sustainability and Finance

In this ebook, corporate borrowers will gain insight into the increasingly popular sustainability-linked loan instrument and how it can support corporate ESG improvements.