Capturing the Direct and Indirect Risks of Physical Climate Change in Investment Portfolios
Investors face a unique set of challenges in assessing the physical climate risks affecting their portfolio companies. In this blog discover the direct and indirect physical climate risks impacting companies and their supply chains.
What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: A Flurry of Updates in Regulations, Taxonomies, Frameworks, and Much More
Discussing the flurry of updates in sustainable finance regulation and guidance such as progress on the EU GBS; updates to the various sustainable loan principles; and the release of fourth and final beta version of the TFND framework.
Why Impact Matters: Seven Essential Considerations for Investors
Today’s investors are facing increased scrutiny from stakeholders for greenwashing risk. ESG-related disclosure regulations are quickly advancing and more customers are seeking impact-focused products. This market environment demands heightened transparency and credibility, and investors need to know how Impact can help them rise to these challenges and meet their diverse sustainability goals.
Will SVB’s Failure Create Headwinds in Clean Technology?
SVB's failure could create a domino effect in the IT and banking sectors, whereby the default of one company would trigger the default of another one across sectors, and so on. In this article, we explore that possibility for the cleantech sector.
A New Tool at the Table: Understanding Low Carbon Transition Risk By Industry and How Companies Are Managing It
Discover how leading companies are managing their low carbon transition risks. Using data from the Low Carbon Transition Ratings, we identify the industries with a large portion of the companies with strong management of transition issues and examine the factors contributing to their strong management scores.
Biodiversity For Financial Institutions: Making the LEAP to Better Decision Making and Stewardship
Amid growing pressure to incorporate biodiversity into investment processes, we will outline how financial institutions can perform biodiversity assessments to make meaningful decision, contribute to biodiversity preservation and be accountable to regulators.
ESG In Conversation | How Are Sustainability Professionals Really Putting ESG into Practice?
In this episode of ESG in Conversation, we discuss the results of the Morningstar Sustainalytics Corporate ESG Survey and explore how the responsibilities of sustainability professionals are changing to address their companies' material ESG issues.
What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: Innovative Finance Instruments Breaking Ground, Use of Proceed Bonds Back in Vogue, and More
Could innovation help the sustainable finance market rebound in 2023? Will scrutiny of linked instruments continue to push investors back to use of proceed transactions? We tackle these topics and more in our latest episode.
Inconsistent Definition of ‘Sustainable Investments’ Across EU Regulations Could Cause (Unintentional) Greenwashing
The absence of clear parameters to support the regulatory definition of sustainable investments has pushed market participants to make judgment calls leading to diverging investor approaches.