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Formation of the International Sustainability Standards Board to Provide Comprehensive Global Sustainability Disclosure Standards  


There has never been a more urgent market need for more comprehensive and consistent corporate disclosure on climate and other sustainability issues. Against this backdrop, Sustainalytics congratulates the IFRS Foundation for forming the International Sustainability Standards Board - consolidating with the Climate Disclosure Standards Board and the Value Reporting Foundation - to develop global sustainability disclosure standards.

This watershed moment lays the foundation for the introduction of high-quality sustainability disclosure standards to meet investors’ and key stakeholders’ information needs.


“Given the systemic risks and opportunities associated with issues such as climate change, there has never been a more urgent need to establish consistent and comparable corporate disclosure standards on sustainability issues. Building on the tremendous work of the IFRS Foundation, the Climate Disclosure Standards Board and the Value Reporting Foundation to develop high-quality sustainability standards, the formation of the International Sustainability Standards Board signifies a critical step forward. This is a landmark day for investors and other key market stakeholders who have been long-asking for comprehensive sustainability standards to make informed decisions.”

Michael Jantzi

Founder of Sustainalytics and Value Reporting Foundation Board Member

Climate disclosure standards board
Value reporting foundation

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