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Frequently Asked Questions

Global Access Research Platform Now Available for Corporates

From investors to regulators and customers, companies are being asked to provide more information about the environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors affecting their businesses. To help companies better analyze, understand, monitor, and report on their material ESG issues, Morningstar Sustainalytics’ ESG research platform Global Access is now available to corporate clients. This FAQ answers key questions about Global Access for companies. Read on to learn how accessing investor-grade ESG, climate and impact-related information about themselves and their peers can help companies level up their ESG performance.

Sustainalytics' Global Access is our comprehensive platform to access a broad set of research and data products. The interface provides tools for sustainability professionals to understand their competitive positioning, scan their business environment (i.e., partners, suppliers, distributors, and clients), prepare for regulations, and optimize their sustainability strategy.

Through Global Access, companies can now leverage the same ESG risk, climate, impact, and compliance research trusted by over 1,100 institutional investors worldwide. The platform allows users to access in-depth reports on individual companies as well as industry reports with statistics and trends. Companies can also access tools to screen business partners based on ESG criteria, apply custom filters, and extract reports to further analyze their own or others' ESG performance.

From achieving regulatory compliance to meeting investor and market expectations, we understand the many challenges and constraints that corporate sustainability professionals face. The demand for board coverage, high-quality, and detailed ESG data for corporate use was increasing. As a rating agency, our goal is to equip our corporate clients with as much data and research as they need to achieve their objectives efficiently.

By onboarding our corporate clients on Global Access, we want to enable corporate sustainability professionals to independently navigate our main research universe and access all the data they need.

Companies can use Global Access to gain insights on their peers’ sustainability performance, perform scans of their own business environment (i.e., suppliers, competitors, partners, distributors, clients), screen companies on custom criteria, extract data to perform further analysis, and use the insights to inform their sustainability strategy.

Through Global Access, companies can obtain research on approximately 16,500 companies in Sustainalytics’ Global ESG Universe, which covers most large, medium, and small-cap issuers of equity securities (and analogous fixed-income issuers) in emerging and developed markets. This universe offers maximum coverage on Sustainalytics’ proprietary ESG Risk Ratings, Low Carbon Transition Ratings as well as other climate products. Impact and compliance research for all companies that are part of the universe is also available.

Impact Metrics help a company understand how much of its revenue can be attributed to sustainable activities. Our methodology ascribes the company’s revenue streams to sustainable activities in line with a specific UN Sustainable Development Goal, as well as to an impact theme from Sustainalytics’ proprietary Impact Framework.

For each researched company, our Impact Metrics provides an impact report card backed up by a robust methodology. By accessing our impact research on Global Access, companies will be able to view how much of their business partners’, peers’ and competitors’ revenue, as well as their own, is considered to have been generated in a sustainable way. This information can support their double materiality assessment and their impact management.

Companies can leverage Sustainalytics’ climate data to identify, assess and manage climate-related risks and opportunities. With tools like the Low Carbon Transition Ratings, Physical Climate Risk Metrics and Carbon Emissions Data, companies can align with regulatory developments such as the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the EU Action Plan.

Our Low Carbon Transition Ratings framework helps measure how a company's projected greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions align with net zero targets, providing insights into exposure and management actions. Additionally, our Carbon Emissions Data, supported by advanced regression models, offers a detailed analysis of GHG emissions. This enables companies to respond to regulatory requirements, identify the effectiveness of their net zero strategies, evaluate the sufficiency of their TCFD-aligned disclosure, and view the same information on their business partners and peers.

Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Rating is an absolute measure of unmanaged risks related to ESG issues considered financially material. Based on their rating, companies are allocated into five risk categories (i.e., negligible, low, medium, high, and severe risk). The degree of a company’s exposure to ESG issues varies based on its subindustry and company-specific factors. Our transparent approach ensures that rated companies have all the tools they need to understand the methodology and their own scoring.

The ESG Risk Rating acts as a reliable assessment of ESG risk, allowing for comparisons across peers in different subindustries. Examining our ESG risk research on Global Access allows our corporate clients to understand which environmental, social, and governance risks they should prioritize. Companies can also discover what their peers are prioritizing in their strategies and what disclosures and policies they are adopting to manage risks. They can use the information to help determine the actions they should take to enhance their reputation and improve their competitive positioning with respect to ESG risk management.

Increasingly, investors are undertaking credibility assessments, wanting to know issuers’ progress toward decarbonization in addition to the goals they have set.

Sustainalytics’ Low Carbon Transition Rating (LCTR) measures the degree to which a company’s projected GHG emissions differ from various decarbonization policy scenarios between now and the year 2050.

By accessing LCTR on Global Access, companies can better understand their decarbonization path through various metrics (i.e., implied temperature rise; scope 1, 2, 3 emissions; TCFD alignment; value at risk; scenario analysis) and their positioning against peers. For instance, they can screen relevant companies using distinct criteria such as their management of specific carbon-related issues and disclosures. Companies can also determine the completeness of their TCFD-aligned disclosure in the LCTR’s TCFD Module.

Companies developing a transition plan will be able to understand how their peers and partners are managing their own transition objectives, and answer questions such as: “Do my peers disclose their carbon pricing?” “Do they require their tier 1 suppliers to set carbon targets?” and “Where do I have gaps, compared to them?”

Industry reports allow our clients to quickly get up to speed on key industry trends and understand the distribution of ESG risk both within and across industries. The reports help our corporate clients identify industry peers with the highest and lowest risks across a range of material ESG issues. They also allow clients to compare industries against the broader universe on different measures of unmanaged ESG risk.

On Global Access, clients can view and download detailed PDF reports on 42 industries.

Visit Global Access’ webpage for more information about the platform and details on how to access the tool.

Leverage ESG Data to Support Your Company Goals

Global Access gives sustainability professionals ongoing access to granular, high-quality ESG data on large sets of companies helping them set material ESG goals. The level of detail and the wide scope of information can support companies in managing their risks and reputations. Don't miss out on this opportunity and contact us to learn more.   

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A Single Market Standard

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Award-Winning Research and Data

Firm recognized as Best ESG Research and Data Provider by Environmental Finance and Investment Week.


End-to-End ESG Solutions

ESG products and services that serve the entire investment value chain.


30 Years of ESG Expertise

800+ ESG research analysts across our global offices.


A Leading SPO Provider

As recognized by Environmental Finance and the Climate Bonds Initiative.