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German Corporate Governance Standards Overhauled

The legal and regulatory foundations of Germany’s corporate governance system are being overhauled in the form of far-reaching changes to the German Stock Corporations Act (AktG) and the German Corporate Governance Code (Kodex). As a result, institutional investors should expect enhanced transparency from German issuers, as well as stronger rights enabling them to effectively exercise their stewardship responsibilities. The reform reflects both the transposition of the EU Shareholder Rights Directive II (SRD II) into domestic law and a corresponding Kodex revamp, both aiming to incorporate governance features that are more typically associated with Anglophone jurisdictions.

Coronavirus, oil prices and ESG: three takeaways for investors

Monday’s rout of the global equity market has left investors reeling. Major benchmarks including the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the DAX were down well over 7%. In Canada, the commodities heavy TSX Composite shed over 10%.

KnowTheChain: ICT Benchmark Findings Report

Recognizing that benchmarks can play a powerful role in encouraging companies to uphold labor standards, KnowTheChain has benchmarked 20 ICT companies on the transparency of their efforts to eradicate forced labor from their global supply chains.

Sustainable Finance Podcast Series

The Sustainable Finance Market Insights podcast series is produced by Sustainalytics’ Sustainable Finance Solutions team. With this series, we deliver piping hot insights on the latest news and developments in the sustainable finance space.

The ESG Risk Ratings: Exploring the Internet Software and Services Subindustry

In the second installment of our ESG Risk Ratings white paper series, we assess the unmanaged ESG risk of 42 Internet Software and Services (ISS) companies. In addition, the report offers a comprehensive ESG risk analysis of the subindustry and concludes with a case study of Facebook.

10 for 2019: Systemic Risks Loom Large

In 10 for 2019: Systemic Risks Loom Large, we offer a forward-looking view of significant ESG issues that could affect global investment portfolios in 2019. Applying Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Ratings framework, we identify a selection of subindustries with high levels of unmanaged risk and profile 10 firms with leading ESG management practices and low levels of unmanaged ESG risk.

EU Action Plan Guidance Document

The proposed Taxonomy is a classification tool to help investors and companies make informed investment decisions on environmentally friendly economic activities. It is a list of economic activities, which defines performance criteria for six environmental objectives.

10 for 2020: Creating Impact Through Thematic Investing (Japanese)

In Sustainalytics’ thematic research report, 10 for 2020: Creating Impact Through Thematic Investing, we present investors with ten ESG investment themes that can positively contribute to advancing the SDGs.

The ESG Risk Ratings: Potential Applications for Investors

With our third ESG Risk Ratings white paper, we explore how investors could potentially apply the ESG Risk Ratings to their investment processes. Below are some key takeaways from the white paper. To learn more, register for our regional webinar using the buttons at the bottom of the page.

10 for 2020: Creating Impact Through Thematic Investing

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are playing an increasingly important role in shaping the sustainability roadmaps of investors, governments and civil society groups. In Sustainalytics’ thematic research report, 10 for 2020: Creating Impact Through Thematic Investing, we present investors with ten ESG investment themes that can positively contribute to advancing the SDGs.

The State of Pay: Executive Remuneration & ESG Metrics

With investors increasingly incorporating ESG considerations into their investment decisions, many are looking into how corporate leadership may be incentivized to pursue an ESG agenda. This report offers insights to global equity investors considering pay-links as a topic for corporate engagement.

EU Action Plan - Benchmark Guidance

Understand how Sustainalytics' research and data can assist benchmark administrators in implementing the EU Climate Transition Benchmarks and EU Paris-aligned Benchmarks.

Investor Guidance on Integrating Children’s Rights into Investment Decision Making

Sustainalytics in collaboration with UNICEF, The United Nations Children’s Fund, has published a new report titled, Investor Guidance on Integrating Children’s Rights into Investment Decision-Making. The guidance offers investors a practical toolkit on how to incorporate children’s rights into investment analysis and engagement activities.

STOXX: Global Leaders (?) - Nachhaltigkeit im DAX

Water Management and Stewardship: Benchmarking Corporate Practices

For this edition, Sustainalytics, in cooperation with AP7, repeated the analysis of the same 299 companies on the five universal and three sector-specific indicators focusing on the key aspects of corporate water management.

The ESG Risk Ratings: Moving Up the Innovation Curve

To provide our clients with a better understanding of the ESG Risk Ratings, we published a series of white papers, the first of which presents a brief history of responsible investment and covers the motivations for developing a next generation ESG rating.

feeding the future webinar

Sustainalytics' Feeding the Future Engagement

Food production is a leading contributor to global GHG emissions, deforestation, water stress and biodiversity loss, and the sector is increasingly under scrutiny to mitigate its environmental footprint. A failure to manage related impacts and adapt to changing consumer trends could result in material business risks or missing out on opportunities. Land and forest investments could become stranded assets. Sustainalytics will also provide a preview of its new thematic engagement, Feeding the Future.

clean50 webcast

Sustainalytics’ CEO Michael Jantzi Featured in Clean50 Webcast Series

We are excited to share that Sustainalytic’s CEO Michael Jantzi, participated in a clean finance podcast hosted by Canada Clean50 as part of their #CleanReset initiative. In the company of fellow leading clean finance experts, the dialogue is an insightful overview of how Canada’s current position on ESG regulation may impact financial sustainability for large Canadian corporations.

Access to Nutrition Index 2016

Since the launch of the first Index, recognition of the human and economic consequences of poor nutrition has increased. Globally one in three people are now either undernourished, overweight or obese. Over the last 35 years obesity has more than doubled and has now reached epidemic proportions. Over the next 10 years, malnutrition is set to continue to increase.

Blue Investing: Searching for solutions to ocean plastics

Overlaying Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Ratings onto the FTSE AW Index, we found that 24 percent of the benchmark’s market cap was rated as having high to severe levels of ESG risk.