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What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: Innovation is the Name of the Game

Posted on January 17, 2022





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Episode Summary


  • Nicholas Gandolfo, Director, Corporate Solutions
  • Marika Stocker, Senior Manager, Corporate Solutions

The recurring theme in this episode’s round up of market developments is innovation! Nick also offers a list of recommended reading for the month (be prepared, it’s a long one) and concludes the tale of his encounter with an elephant in Bangladesh first mentioned in October’s episode.

Innovation is the Name of the Game in Sustainable Finance

The thread of innovation continues throughout sustainable finance – from green cryptocurrency to ESG derivatives, and relinked sustainability instruments (sustainability-linked bonds tied to sustainability-linked loans). Ultimately, it’s good to see the market continue to develop, but caution and scrutiny are needed to ensure that labeling and the increasing complexity of financial instruments don’t lead to greenwashing. 

Greening of IPOs

On the heels of Allbirds’ initial public offering (IPO), for which Sustainalytics provided a corporate ESG assessment of the company, there are continuing discussions about the greening of IPOs. As the number of companies going public continues to rise, they are each looking for ways to signal to investors that they are a safe bet when it comes to managing material ESG risks and overall company management. Having their ESG or sustainability performance assessed by a third-party prior to their IPO is one way to do that. Watch this space as we see how this trend develops for new IPOs in 2022.

Recommended Reading

Nick runs down a list of reports and research focused on reducing emissions and transition finance.


Key Moments

01:28 Market overview
02:00 Greening of IPOs
02:40 Google adds carbon data to flight info
03:00 Green cryptocurrency
03:32 EF conference - ESG Risk Ratings
04:08 ESG derivatives
04:46 Taxonomy report from Natixis
05:11 Nuclear power in sustainable finance
05:46 COP26 highlights
06:19 New in sustainability-linked finance: relinked SLBs
07:04 Biodiversity COP15 highlights
07:31 Green industry unicorns
08:03 Report recommendations: McKinsey & IEA methane reports
08:40 CBI interactive data tool
09:36 Green bonds overview
15:10 Social bonds and loans overview
21:21 Audience questions
28:21 SLL overview
30:53 Labeled products overview
32:16 Transition finance overview
33:30 Regulatory and country update


Links to Select Resources

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