Climate Bonds Announces 2019 Green Bond Pioneer Award Winners
Recognition for global leadership, best practice and innovation in green finance Emerging nations spur climate finance
LONDON 05/03/2019 19:00 GMT: Global leadership in green bond issuance and green finance development has again been recognised by Climate Bonds at the 4th Annual Green Bond Pioneer Awards (GBPA), announced before an international audience in London on the eve of the 2019 Climate Bonds Annual Conference.
The GBPA are the premier annual recognition of achievement by organisations, financial institutions, governments and individuals who have demonstrated leadership through pioneering initiatives and green issuance, providing best practice examples of climate resilient and low carbon investments in a diverse range of nations and markets.
This year’s awards include expanded focus on emerging economies & smaller nations’ climate action achievements – with recipients from ASEAN, LatAm and Africa – reflecting the critical importance of accelerating climate resilient investments in sustainable infrastructure and the broadening of cross border capital flows to support low carbon economic growth.
The 2019 event recognises pioneering issuers and green finance actors with Awards and Certificates of Recognition categories.
Sustainalytics was named Largest Approved Verifier for Certified Climate Bonds. For the complete list of winners, please click here.
Bob Mann, President & Chief Operating Officer, Sustainalytics: “Sustainalytics is honoured to be recognized as the largest approved verifier for Certified Climate Bonds by the Climate Bonds Initiative. The increasing momentum around sustainable finance activities is exciting, with more diverse issuers releasing green bonds and showing innovation in the use of their proceeds. We are delighted to support the dynamic growth of the sustainable finance market.”
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