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Heavy snowfall on tree-lines street with snow covered parked cars

Snowed Under: Climate Risks From Extreme Snowfall in the Great Lakes Region of North America

Discover the approaches investors can take to protect assets and capitalize on opportunities in the face of increasing risks from extreme snowfall events.

ESG in Conversation: A Look Ahead at 2025 and Beyond

Experts share their predictions of what will be top of mind for investors and issuers in the areas of ESG risk, regulations, climate transition and sustainable finance for the year to come.

The Investor's Guide to Assessing Corporate Climate Transition Plans

This guide outlines the key elements of a credible climate transition plan and provides step-by-step guidance on how to assess and compare companies’ transition readiness.

Forest of evergreen trees

Mapping International Sustainability Rules

This infographic highlights the key focus areas of select sustainability-related regulations from across regions.

Reflections on COP29: A Participant’s Call to Action for the Financial Sector

Reflections on COP29: A Participant’s Call to Action for the Financial Sector

Sustainalytics' Tom Eveson reflects on the outcome from COP29 and the opportunity for the financial sector to lead as architects for a sustainable future.

ESG in Conversation: A Look Back At 2024

In this episode, we look back at some key insights from our guests during this past year - from ESG metrics, to climate, to regulatory issues.

ESG in Conversation: Using ESG Data in Portfolio Construction

This episode of ESG in Conversation explores the use of ESG and climate data in portfolio construction and management as well as the role of the private sector in addressing biodiversity loss.

ESG in Conversation: When It Comes to Sustainable Investing, It's A Material World

This episode of ESG in Conversation explores ESG materiality and what a shift in political agendas globally could mean for the state of sustainability-related regulations.


Mandatory Scope 3 Emissions Reporting in the U.S. and Canada: Most Companies Are Unprepared

Learn just how prepared U.S. and Canadian companies are for the proposed scope 3 emissions disclosure rules and how investors can leverage engagement to help companies meet the various challenges of GHG emissions reporting.

Seattle skyline in a smoky, orange haze

Where There’s Smoke: Wildfires and the Impact of Non-GHG Emissions

Non-GHG emissions will increase as the physical impacts of climate change continue to materialize. Our analysis shows that companies could be doing more to eliminate hazardous non-GHG air emissions from their operations.

Multi-colored shipping containers waiting to be loaded onto trucks.

Scope 3 Supply Chain Emissions: Five Questions Investors Need to Know

To assess climate-related transition risks, investors should evaluate GHG emissions across portfolio companies’ value chains. In this blog post we’ll answer the key questions investors need to know about supply chain GHG emissions, and why decarbonization of the supply chain is an essential component of an effective climate transition strategy.

Storm surge hits building near the shore

Capturing the Direct and Indirect Risks of Physical Climate Change in Investment Portfolios

Investors face a unique set of challenges in assessing the physical climate risks affecting their portfolio companies. In this blog discover the direct and indirect physical climate risks impacting companies and their supply chains.

Impact offers investors new ways to differentiate products, enhance client satisfaction, report to stakeholders and more. Learn how in our new blog post, The Power of Impact: Unleashing Potential for Asset Owners, Asset Managers, and Wealth Managers

Investing for Impact Explained: What It Is and Why It Matters to Investors

What is impact investing? What is impact-focused investing? In this blog post we unpack impact, how it relates to ESG, and why it’s important to investors.

Pink clouds in the sky at sunset

A New Tool at the Table: Understanding Low Carbon Transition Risk By Industry and How Companies Are Managing It

Discover how leading companies are managing their low carbon transition risks. Using data from the Low Carbon Transition Ratings, we identify the industries with a large portion of the companies with strong management of transition issues and examine the factors contributing to their strong management scores.


A Closer Look at How and Where Net-Zero Commitments Are Falling Short

Read about the methods investors can use to measure portfolio alignment to net-zero and the importance of not only assessing climate transition plans, but also their governance structure and implementation.

Smoke stacks at sunset

Carbon Emissions Data for Investors: Closing the Reporting Gap and Future-Proofing Estimations

Despite improvements in the quality and quantity of carbon emissions reporting from companies, significant gaps remain. Discover the current state of emissions disclosures, learn the advantages and disadvantages of widely used estimation models, and discover the approach underpinning Sustainalytics' Carbon Emissions Data product.

ESG Data Market Gaps: 3 Areas of Interest for Investors Measuring Material ESG Risk

Many global investors already incorporate ESG factors into their evaluation of public companies across developed markets. We are now observing increasing interest in applying ESG considerations across a broader set of asset classes and regions.

EU Taxonomy

EU Action Planning: ESMA Questions and MiFID Data begs Further SFDR Clarity for Investors

Regulators asking questions about topics central to the EU Action Plan show that more work needs to happen to make this ambitious, first-of-a-kind sustainable finance legislation workable for the market and supervisors and more useful for end investors.

EU Flags

Sustainable Investment Calculations Under MiFID II and SFDR Remain Perplexing for ESG Investors

The various interpretations of the sustainable investment definition introduced by the SFDR and leveraged in MiFID II leave many market participants unsettled, having to decide between approaches that have different benefits and limitations in the short to medium term.

Key Themes Shaping Proxy Voting in 2022

Key Themes Shaping Proxy Voting in 2022

As the volume and breadth of ESG risk exposure continue to rise, the stage is set for another momentous proxy season. The trending topics of last year will continue to steer the agenda—with the prospect of even more substantial support from shareholders in 2022.