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Infographic | How Today’s Banks are Adopting ESG-Based Strategies to Become More Sustainable

Posted on December 10, 2021

Morningstar Sustainalytics
Morningstar Sustainalytics


Banks need comprehensive and credible environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies to participate in and benefit from the accelerating growth of sustainable finance. Whether it’s screening, ESG integration, thematic investing, or engagement, ESG-focused banks have several strategy options available.

This infographic sheds light on some of the key sustainability-focused strategies banks are using and what they might look like in practice.

You can learn more about banks’ ESG strategies and how sustainable finance is changing banking in our recent ebook.

Access a PDF version of the infographic by clicking the image below or downloading it here.

Click to download our infographic, How Today's Banks are Adopting ESG-Based Strategies to Become More Sustainable


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