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10 ESG Themes to Watch in 2019

Posted on April 19, 2021

Martin Vezér
Martin Vezér
ESG Research Associate Director, Thematic Research

This year’s instalment of our 10 for series – 10 for 2019: Systemic Risks Loom Large – explores 10 environmental, social and governance (ESG) themes that could affect global investment portfolios in 2019.

Collaborating with a dozen analysts with a variety of sector and regional market expertise, we leverage the new Sustainalytics ESG Risk Ratings framework to identify 10 material ESG issues (MEIs) that permeate a large segment of the global economy. As detailed in the report, the MEIs we assess have bearing on as many as 138 subindustries in our coverage universe.

The infographic below illustrates how these 10 systemic ESG issues materialize in unique ways in different subindustries and markets. To learn more about 10 for 2019, please register for the webinar on Thursday, February 14.

10 for 2019 Sustainalytics infographic

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