News Releases
October 15, 2019
Sustainalytics’ New Research Report Examines the ESG Risks and Opportunities Facing Australian Equity Investors
October 2, 2019
Sustainalytics’ CEO Michael Jantzi Named to Canada’s 2020 Clean50 and Clean16 Leaders List
September 16, 2019
B2Gold Corp. Added to Jantzi Social Index
September 8, 2019
Sustainalytics and UNICEF publish investor guidance on integrating child rights into investment decision making
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In the News
August 12, 2019
Investment Europe, Warsaw Stock Exchange launches new blue chip ESG index; NN IP launches related passive fund
This article covers the launch of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW) new ESG index, citing the use of Sustainalytics ESG Risk Ratings.
August 6, 2019
Citywire Selector, 10% of EM equity in 'severe risk' territory on ESG, research claims
The article references Sustainalytics ESG Spotlight Series Report, 'Emerging Markets Equities: Key Sources of ESG Risk', which compares the FTSE Emerging and Developed indices on ESG criteria, there are a wide array of 'unmanaged risks' in the developing world.
August 5, 2019
Environmental Finance, Winners of Environmental Finance's Sustainable Investment Awards revealed
The article announces the winners of the Environmental Finance Awards, with Sustainalytics named as best ESG data provider, best ESG research and for the ESG engagement initiative of the year.
July 29, 2019
Portfolio Adviser, ESG investors face recreational cannabis conundrum
This article covers findings of Sustainalytics' ESG Spotlight Series Report, 'The Budding Cannabis Industry: A first look at ESG Considerations'.