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Product Governance Risk: Navigating one of the most common ESG issues


News Releases

  • April 23, 2024

    Sustainalytics Insight: Six Best Practices of Low Carbon Leaders

    As we mark another annual Earth Day around the world, unfortunately less than 10% of the over 8,000 companies assessed globally by Morningstar Sustainalytics Low Carbon Transition Ratings (LCTR) consistently implement best practices. However, bright spots do exist, and a handful of companies are leading by example. In its most recent report based on its Low Carbon Transition Ratings (LCTR), Morningstar Sustainalytics identified six best practices followed by industries leading the low carbon transition.

  • April 2, 2024

    Sustainalytics Insight: Did COP28 Light a Fire Under Oil & Gas Companies?

    Global oil and gas producers are under increasing international pressure to decarbonize in the wake of the recent COP28 agreement to “transition away from” fossil fuels and amid a growing wave of mandatory ESG and climate disclosure standards for the industry. Yet oil and gas producers remain severely misaligned with the net zero by 2050 target and their overall management score with respect to climate change is weak, according to new research from Morningstar Sustainalytics based on its Low Carbon Transition Ratings (LCTR).

  • March 21, 2024

    Sustainalytics Insight: The Global Utility Industry & Net Zero

    Global utility companies, generally perceived as some of the worst offenders when it comes to climate transition and meeting future net zero carbon emissions, are actually playing a driving force in helping drive a more carbon-friendly global footprint across industries, according to new research from Morningstar Sustainalytics.

  • March 20, 2024

    Morningstar Introduces Low Carbon Transition Leaders Indexes

    Morningstar Indexes introduces the Morningstar Low Carbon Transition Leaders Indexes, powered by the methodology of the fastest growing global index provider and drawing on the leading ESG data & risk ratings of Morningstar Sustainalytics.

Media Contacts

Tim Benedict

Tim Benedict

Director of Communications

[email protected]

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ESG Risk Ratings Then and Now

ESG Risk Ratings Then and Now

Join Morningstar Sustainalytics for a panel conversation about the ESG Risk Ratings and how Sustainalytics' clients are integrating ESG across investment workflows, including security selection, fund construction, and client reporting.

Webinar Replay: Oct 19, 2022 | Incorporating International Business Norms into ESG

With the growing demand to integrate ESG considerations into the investment process investors are trying to understand the complexity of applying international norms to companies. Join our webinar to learn more about international standards, how to incorporate them into ESG investing and examples of positive financial and ESG outcomes.

Sustainability linked instruments webinar

Webinar Replay: Sustainability Linked Instruments

Morningstar Sustainalytics hosted a webinar where we discussed sustainability-linked instruments and the benefits of having a second-party opinion.

Key Trends & Considerations for Transition Finance

Sustainalytics would like to invite you to our Transition Finance webinar where we will be discussing the development and expectations of Transition Finance, how transition finance has evolved over the past few years, key market considerations, as well as trends, opportunities and challenges. Join us as we discuss what is next on the Sustainable Finance horizon beyond GSSS and Transition Bonds.