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Product Governance Risk: Navigating one of the most common ESG issues


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Tim Benedict

Tim Benedict

Director of Communications

[email protected]

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Past Events

ESG Risk Ratings in APAC - Supporting the Corporate Sustainability Journey

Hear from a panel of ESG thought leaders in the Asia-Pacific region on how ESG ratings have supported their sustainability and financial objectives.

COP26 Video 3

COP26 Goal #4 - Work Together to Deliver

Why do ESG research and ratings matter to financial market participants? Ulziitushig (Toshi) Batbuyan, Associate, Oil & Gas Research, talks about how investors can leverage Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Ratings in various capacities.

Exploring the Role of ESG Factors in the Fixed Income Investing Process

While many mainstream investors with an equity focus are applying ESG considerations as a part of their investment decision-making processes, how are fixed-income investors looking at ESG factors to assess corporate credit risk, bond selection, and other related activities?

cop26 goal 3

COP26 Goal #3 – Mobilize Finance

How can governments, companies and financial institutions help to mobilize finance to achieve global climate goals? Mayur Mukati of Sustainalytics’ Corporate Solutions unit discusses the role of sustainable finance in supporting a just and sustainable climate transition.