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Product Governance Risk: Navigating one of the most common ESG issues


News Releases

  • April 23, 2024

    Sustainalytics Insight: Six Best Practices of Low Carbon Leaders

    As we mark another annual Earth Day around the world, unfortunately less than 10% of the over 8,000 companies assessed globally by Morningstar Sustainalytics Low Carbon Transition Ratings (LCTR) consistently implement best practices. However, bright spots do exist, and a handful of companies are leading by example. In its most recent report based on its Low Carbon Transition Ratings (LCTR), Morningstar Sustainalytics identified six best practices followed by industries leading the low carbon transition.

  • April 2, 2024

    Sustainalytics Insight: Did COP28 Light a Fire Under Oil & Gas Companies?

    Global oil and gas producers are under increasing international pressure to decarbonize in the wake of the recent COP28 agreement to “transition away from” fossil fuels and amid a growing wave of mandatory ESG and climate disclosure standards for the industry. Yet oil and gas producers remain severely misaligned with the net zero by 2050 target and their overall management score with respect to climate change is weak, according to new research from Morningstar Sustainalytics based on its Low Carbon Transition Ratings (LCTR).

  • March 21, 2024

    Sustainalytics Insight: The Global Utility Industry & Net Zero

    Global utility companies, generally perceived as some of the worst offenders when it comes to climate transition and meeting future net zero carbon emissions, are actually playing a driving force in helping drive a more carbon-friendly global footprint across industries, according to new research from Morningstar Sustainalytics.

  • March 20, 2024

    Morningstar Introduces Low Carbon Transition Leaders Indexes

    Morningstar Indexes introduces the Morningstar Low Carbon Transition Leaders Indexes, powered by the methodology of the fastest growing global index provider and drawing on the leading ESG data & risk ratings of Morningstar Sustainalytics.

Media Contacts

Tim Benedict

Tim Benedict

Director of Communications

[email protected]

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In the News

  • November 16, 2021

    Forbes 2021 Green Growth 50

    To build this list [Forbes] partnered with Sustainalytics, a division of Morningstar, to screen American public companies according to their emissions reductions. Limiting the search to companies with more than 100,000 annual tons of emissions and market cap greater than $5 billion yielded roughly 100 companies. Next, utilizing data from FactSet Research Systems, we looked at profitability. Only half made the cut — having increased profits (mostly measured by cash flow or EBITDA, but in some cases, we had to use net income) since 2017.

  • September 15, 2021

    SS&C Launches New ESG Reporting Solutions

    SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: SSNC) today announced the launch of its ESG reporting solutions platform for asset managers to better monitor and report on ESG exposure in their portfolios. SS&C’s platform will support compliance with the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and deliver greater insights and transparency into ESG portfolio risks.

  • June 21, 2021

    Sustainalytics Weighs in on EU Taxonomy’s State of Flux

    On May 7th, the European Commission published draft rules on how corporates and financial institutions should report on their alignment with the EU Taxonomy. The draft rules are laid out in a very technical document and not an easy read. This might explain why certain changes with significant impact on timelines and scope of the EU Taxonomy Regulation have flown under the radar of media and investors. Some of the impacts even escaped the attention of financial market participants responding to the consultation on the rules.

  • June 18, 2021

    Foxberry to Offer Sustainalytics’ ESG Research And Ratings via the foxf9® Platform

    Foxberry today announced it is collaborating with Sustainalytics, a Morningstar company and a leading global provider of ESG research, ratings and data, to offer institutional investors access to a wide range of ESG information through the foxf9® platform. Leveraging Sustainalytics’ rich set of ESG ratings and data, investors can create unique indexes and assess their performance. Foxberry’s foxf9 platform enables clients to seamlessly assess multiple data sources in one place and the foxf9 calculation and back testing engine can provide a deeper level of understanding ESG data.

Upcoming Events

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Past Events

The EU Action Plan - Insights for Asia Pacific Investors

In 2021, the European Union adopted a strategy to redirect the flow of capital towards the transition to a sustainable economy but what does this mean and how does it impact investors outside of Europe? This webinar will look at the practical implications for investors operating in Asia Pacific.

Managing Systemic Risks Through ESG Stewardship - Session 1

Emerging Trends and Best Practices


Michael Jantzi on Global Sustainability Standards: Convergence and the Future | ICGN

Michael Jantzi, managing director at Morningstar and Sustainalytics founder, shares his perspective on the state of convergence on sustainability reporting standards globally.

Maximizing Engagement Impact in Fixed Income

Hear from our expert panel on how to maximize ESG impact from Fixed Income Engagement.